Here's the feedback we get from users. We've included a whole year's worth just for good measure!
To:WhatToGive feedback@whattogive.com
Subject:RE: WhatToGive Feedback
I think your website is a brilliant idea and its saved me from having some boring list at a department store, so I wish you all the best for the future. Just one other question, when I add the amount it seems to round it up to the nearest pound, is this normal ? Over the next few months as I use the site, if I think of any suggestions I’ll give you a shout, but right now you seem to have all the things I thought of covered ! Thanks again SophieFrom:Becky
To:WhatToGive feedback@whattogive.com
Subject:Re: Fwd: WhatToGive Feedback
Hi, Thank you for getting back to me, that’s great! I had thought of trying to set up my own site just for our gifts as they may well come from different shops. It’s a good idea! Becky.From:iuliajul
To:WhatToGive feedback@whattogive.com
Subject:WhatToGive Feedback
Hello, First of all congrats for the site, I was planning to do something like this on my own, but now that I know it already exist it saves me the trouble. I think it needs more publicity since it says “ Total number of WhatToGive lists 5873”. For such a good site is too bad that doesn’t have more users. It should be better promoted on other similar projects. Another thing is that I can help with a translation if interested. Thank you, and continue the good job.From:Michelle
To:Ben <Feedback@whattogive.com>
Subject:Re: Thanks for your contribution
Hi Ben we were really happy with What to Give for our wedding list, it meant that everyone had a choice when deciding what to get us. They appreciated either being able to promise the gift and bring it to the wedding, some ordered online from our links and had it delivered beforehand, and some sent the money to cover what they’d promised. It was really easy for us to keep track and for when we do the thank you cards we have the list of who gave us what. I think we’ll definitely be using it again for Christmas, as we have a large family and last year got so many things twice! In terms of suggestions, I think your advert in Wedding Ideas is probably getting the word out, as I saw a lot of people suggest your site on the confetti.co.uk chat room. I think we’d found it from a google search. Wedding Ideas and confetti are definitely the 2 places to be for wedding planning, so keep focussing on those. We also noticed your plans for the new look website, this looks really good and we look forward to using it at Christmas. Good Luck with everything! kind regards MichelleFrom:stumpy112
To:WhatToGive <ben@whattogive.com>
Subject:WhatToGive Feedback
Well Ben that was painless I must say. What a brilliant idea. This site was recommended via a friend, I will certainly be doing the same to my other friends. One idea, we are putting on a wedding list and it would be nice to have “Our list” instead of “my list” is it possible to have an option? (This is not a criticism) Site is simple and effective. Great Diane & PaulineFrom:jason
To:WhatToGive <ben@whattogive.com>
Subject:WhatToGive Feedback
Hi, Just sent out our wedding invites out with cards for the list on WTG, I just wanted to feedback that we are really excited by this website and what it offers, we can’t wait for people to see what we are doing for our honeymoon ! I’ve seen the new look changes and although I think the current format looks great, I agree with your comments that the new layout you are working on looks way more professional, great job keep up the good work !! I’m recommending this site to eveyone !! Cheers JasonFrom:Lance
Subject:Re: WhatToGive Feedback
Hi Ben, Thanks for your help. It’s a great website, keep up the great work. Cheers, Lance.From:liz
To:Ben <Feedback@whattogive.com>
Subject:Re: WhatToGive Feedback
Thanks for the info. I will follow your advice. By the way the site seems to be a great free service for people. LizFrom:dannihouli
To:WhatToGive <ben@whattogive.com>
Subject:WhatToGive Feedback
i think this is an excellent site and so easy to use....i wish i could afford to make a donation, however i will spread the word to all my friends...From:Paula
Subject:RE: WhatToGive email address confirmation message
Hi sorry I used the email address ######## to sign up to your site but I should have used ######### I tried adding it as an extra address but of course the password has been sent to the incorrect address. Please could you send me the password to this address and change the primary address to the .co.uk one Many thanks and congratulations on a fab site! P PaulaFrom:sarah01uk
To:WhatToGive <ben@whattogive.com>
Subject:WhatToGive Feedback
HI! I came up with the idea for a site like this a few years ago but having neither the skill or ambition to set it up I’m plased someone else has! I like the design of the site and the features that I never would have thought of. I wish you all the best for the future! Sarah XFrom:timroberts
To:WhatToGive <ben@whattogive.com>
Subject:WhatToGive Feedback
very good siteFrom:framjaa
Subject:Re: Password for your WhatToGive list
Ben, Just want to say what a fantastic site and easy to use, we will be putting together a wedding list for our trip to NZ ! Great site and will recommend to everyone!!!!! Cheers JasonFrom:No email supplied
To:Benjamin Jefferson <ben@whattogive.com>
Subject:WhatToGive Feedback
Have finally got our wedding registry up and running and it’s fabulous. It allows us to ask for what we want which isn’t a straightforward wedding gift list, and one retailer doesn’t get all the business. Fabulous idea - I will tell everybodyFrom:ita
To:WhatToGive <ben@whattogive.com>
Subject:WhatToGive Feedback
Hi I just want to say thanks again for this fantastic site. It is soooo useful and I have already used it for Christmas and my daugthers birthday list. I said I would try to make a donation and so I have, its not much but every little helps hey. :) Thanks again.From:Carol
To:“WhatToGive.com support” <ben@whattogive.com>
Subject:Re: Thankyou
Thanks Ben Sorry for the panic. I am so relieved it is up and running again and thank you for your quick and personal response Carol Ps. I think your site is fab and intend to send a paypal donation once the wedding is overFrom:louise
To:Benjamin Jefferson <ben@whattogive.com>
Subject:WhatToGive Feedback
Hi there, I came across your site ages ago and am now about to start up a wedding list with it (just need to convince my boyfriend now). It is the only site/wish list that fulfills our needs and we can put anything we like on it which really suits us. The ability to have an option for money contributions so we can buy something larger ourselves is fantastic - some other sites do offer this but charge the gift giver 6.5% for the priviledge! Just one suggestion. I have looked at the site from a potential gift giver’s point of view and it would be useful to have a simple explanation / set of instructions on the first page they see to inform them how the site works - ie. promise to buy something online and then they physically go and buy it. At the minute the help when a buyer logs in gives instructions for setting up a site rather than buying. It would just need to be something simple and then refer them to the FAQs for more ifo. Just a thought but this would really help buyers especially those with a little less web confidence. Overall a great site and thanks for your time. LouiseFrom:Cheryl
To:“WhatToGive.com support” <ben@whattogive.com>
Subject:Re: Problem with Javascript Bookmarklet
Thank You Ben! That was fast. It showed up and I’ve got it installed :) I’ve been using WishCentral, but your format looks much better to me and I look forward to using it. I started using Greasemonkey with Firefox this morning and found out about your site when reviewing userscripts. Best Regards, Cher :)From:ha727
To:WhatToGive <ben@whattogive.com>
Subject:WhatToGive Feedback
Looks like a good service. If people use this as successfuly as I think they will, I will certainly leave a donation. Thanks for helping people like us. Bryan & DebbieFrom:claire
Subject:Question about how it works
Hi, I think your site is a fantastic idea and I’m going to use it for our wedding gift list. But before I sign up I was just reading all the details in the ‘Main Features’ section and something puzzled me. One of the points says: “Printable version of your list - you can print your list out to include in invitations or for people without a web connection.” I can’t see how this would really work. How will i know who has bought what, if they don’t/can’t go to the web page and tick it off the list? Likewise, if we only want 1 of a particular item, and someone without internet access buys it based on the paper list we include with the invites, then how are the other guests going to know that it has already been bought? I imagine the best thing is just to not send out a paper copy of the list, and deal with any non-PC literate types as they occur. But I was just wondering if you have any other solutions to this situation? Thanks very much, Claire Claire Redman Early Years Admin Support OfficerFrom:shawn
To:Benjamin Jefferson <ben@whattogive.com>
Subject:Re: WTG Javascript bookmarklet.
Ben - you champion! You absolute champion! It works just like a bought one...but better! I love it when I find out that it isn’t me!!! I really thought I was having a technological version of ‘domestic blindness’ (you know when you look in the fridge - or anywhere else - and can’t find what you KNOW is there...and then someone else opens the fridge and finds it straight away!) I am now the proud owner of the +WTG link - thought you might like to know that even though I had the ‘Links’ toolbar visible I couldn’t drag and drop it into the toolbar. Never fear, stubborn moo that I am, I tried something else. I had to add it to the ‘Links’ folder in Favourites. (I right-clicked on the +WTG link and followed the steps.) May I say that in the recent past (like about an hour ago) I was whinging that it is a really annoying folder that I never use and that I have never been able to permanently delete the Links folder from my Favourites list...and now I am really glad that I couldn’t. Thanks so much. You have restored my faith in online ‘service providers’ (read retailers, etc. as well). I have pretty much given up submitting queries or requests by e-mail (especially to ‘support’, ‘customer service’ or ‘feedback’ addresses) because I get so disappointed when I get no response (not to mention frustrated and extremely grumpy). Some of those fee-charging (& government) organisations could definitely learn from your excellent customer service. I can’t wait for my friends and family to check out our list on your site - I have been trying to convince them to have a wishlist for ages, but a physical one in some farflung household was a pain for all of us. No excuses now! Truly Ben, Thanks. ShelleyFrom:alison
To:“WhatToGive.com support” <ben@whattogive.com>
Subject:Re: Problems with Support WhatToGive link
Hello Yep it works fine - Its a great site. Thankyou xxxFrom:Darlisha
To:“WhatToGive.com support” <ben@whattogive.com>
Subject:Re: WhatToGive - Thank you for the knowledge
Ben I think this is a splendid idea. I just wish i had gotten my children’s list together a little sooner. I’m almost sure it’s too late now. We have two weeks till Christmas. But i will take initiative to add things for them all through the year, and next year I will be more preprared...... especially since I know what the What to Give Christmas List is all about. Thank you Ben and Merry Christmas! From my family to yours. Darlisha & FamilyFrom:disulli
To:Benjamin Jefferson <ben@whattogive.com>
Subject:WhatToGive Feedback
Your site has been a big help for our family this year. Now we know exactly what everyone would like. I do have one suggestion. For those non-computer savvy users like me, would you tell us to click on the picture to get to any links that they have entered? I clicked on “more info” and didn’t try the photo of the item until my son told me that there was a link. Thank you for the great site.From:Gennifer
To:WhatToGive <ben@whattogive.com>
Subject:WhatToGive Feedback
Dear Ben, Your web-site is great. We needed something so that we could share a list of things my ailing grandmother needs with family members at large. We knew what we were looking for and saw your site in a Google search. Thanks for advertising it and sharing it with us.From:hilary
To:WhatToGive <ben@whattogive.com>
Subject:WhatToGive Feedback
Hi Ben, great site I’m really impressed and it’s just what we’ve been looking for in a wedding list! Just one minor question and apologies if it’s on the site, but I can’t find it. Can you delete promises? I was playing around and I promised myself a sheet and I wanted to delete the promise rather than delete and re-enter the item. Knowing my friends I can see a few promising things and then changing their mind so it would be useful to be able to delete promises. Cheers!From:Rob
To:“WhatToGive.com support” <ben@whattogive.com>
Subject:Re: Reassurance about WhatToGive
Thanks for the feedback! I’ll join and add some friends. It beats the commercial crap of Amazon’s wish list. You may also wish to promote the greasemonkey add-in for your site as well.From:Laura
Subject:Re: Shopaholic Confidential: Submission
Hi Ben! I’m so glad you liked the article, and yes, I think your site is GREAT! And definitely easy to navigate—I especially appreciated how it grabbed the pictures from the websites, and in many cases the item description and the price. I know of several people who read the article that are planning to make lists on WTG, so hopefully you will see a volume increase. Take care, and have a great Thanksgiving weekend! Sincerely, LauraFrom:Sarah
To:“WhatToGive.com support” <ben@whattogive.com>
Subject:RE: Problems with WhatToGive list
Hi, Thanks for fixing the problem and getting back to me. The site is really fantastic. I had been thinking for ages that a site like this would be so useful and then I came across yours. It would be great if you could extend the use of stylesheets so that people could alter the look and feel of their lists to suite their tastes. Thanks for the addition of pictures too :-) SarahFrom:Josh
To:“WhatToGive.com support” <ben@whattogive.com>
Subject:Re: Problems with WhatToGive list
Thanks a lot ben! Cute little site you have! I wish you the best of luck with whatever you do, and I pray God blesses everything you touch. Your site is real user friendly, which is great, & I love the option to print out cards to give people. Very convenient! Take care, & Happy Holidays to you and your family! Let your wife know that even though you spend hours on your computer instead of with her, you’re a blessing to other peoples lives & holidays. -Josh LloydFrom:D2ring
Subject:Re: Password for your WhatToGive list
cool site! thanks.From:James and Bernadette
To:WhatToGive <feedback@whattogive.com>
Subject:Re: Password for your WhatToGive list
G’day Ben, My name is James Quinn, from Melbourne Australia. I think this site is FANTASTIC! Exactly what i was looking for... I was going to attempt to make a site for our engagement party, but it was way over my head.. One problem: I have put details of “My Event” into the site, however, i am unable to click “EDIT” to change what i have put in now.. It wouldn’t be a problem, except i spelt engagement wrong ... oops! Anyway, keep up the good work, Look forward to hearing back form you, JamesFrom:matz
To:WhatToGive <ben@whattogive.com>
Subject:WhatToGive Feedback
Dear Ben, I have been surfing quite a lot to find what could match with my needs and i might have found the solution. Nevertheless I have a question, I will marry this 3rd Dec. 2005 in Italy, all of our friends and relatives are not even living in our city or country therefore a wedding list on line is the best solution. My intention was to put a list online with items that i choose myself from e-shops therefore would it be possible also to give an option to contribute on line instead of only the “promise” for it, i.e. using paypal or something? By the way, with the “promise” how people is giving the money for the gifts? Your suggestion is highly appreciated Matteo & Rhea [Imola - Bologna- Italy]From:James and Bernadette
To:“WhatToGive.com support” <ben@whattogive.com>
Subject:Re: Problems with event admin on WhatToGive
G’day Again, Whatever you did seemed to fix the problem. Thanks very much for that, especially for such a quick response. Keep up the good work, and thanks so much for providing such a great service for free. I hope you get enough people on there to get money for advertising.. I know i’ll tell my mates about this site, James.From:Jody
To:“WhatToGive.com support” <ben@whattogive.com>
Subject:Re: Problems with url’s and pictures
I didnt have to reenter all the info. I had to add a new item, enter all the info except the url, save it, then click on modify and enter the url. That is when the pictures saved. I still think it is a really cool site. But what is even more nice is the fact that it is free and you still find the time to answer questions. Thanks and I have already told people about the site. JodyFrom:missedwards
To:Benjamin Jefferson <ben@whattogive.com>
Subject:WhatToGive Feedback
Thanks heaps for getting back to me. ive done a really cool letter to santa page for my sons 1st xmas. i think this is absolutely fabulous as we have friends around the country who i can email. actually this is why i am writting, i cant find the send invites button to be able to email the page/list to people. id appreciate it if you could let me know what to do. thanks for this site it brilliant and ive told everyone i know!!!From:ita
To:Benjamin Jefferson <ben@whattogive.com>
Subject:WhatToGive Feedback
Thank you, thank you, thank you :) What a fantastic site, I have been looking for one but hadn’t found anything decent until now!!! Your very organised and your wife is a very lucky lady, and hopefully my Hubbie will have now reason not to know what to get me for Christmas this year lol. Thanks for all the effort you’ve put into this site, its so great, thank you so much. Its very easy to use as well thumbs up Thanks again, keep up the good work, and a donation will wing its way to you when I’ve got a few more funds in my paypal account. Thanks :) ItaFrom:luvmyboys
To:WhatToGive <ben@whattogive.com>
Subject:WhatToGive Feedback
This site is awesome!!!! It is so hard to not give out the same idea more than once. This way everyone can check the site and see what is still available. I love it!!!! KathyFrom:ashley
To:WhatToGive <ben@whattogive.com>
Subject:WhatToGive Feedback
Hi! I’ve been looking for a site such as this for a while after a friend commented that they wanted to buy an item for me from my Amazon wish list, but would prefer to buy it elsewhere. Looks like an excellent implementation, and for free—thank you! Best wishes, Ashley.From:theeatherlys
To:WhatToGive <ben@whattogive.com>
Subject:WhatToGive Feedback
You mentioned in the info page that we could divide our lists into sub-lists. How is that done? Thanks! P.S. Great site, we really appreciate it!From:Toad Mc
Subject:RE: Password for your WhatToGive list
Hi, Thank you for setting up such an easy account. Now I can remember wht to get my friends and family. Usually I write it down and lose it or they ened up seeing my ideas so this was a great idea!! TayFrom:deirdre
To:WhatToGive <ben@whattogive.com>
Subject:WhatToGive Feedback
This is a great site!! It will help me keep track of Christmas gifts that I plan to give without leaving a trail of paper behind me. Thanks!From:arl
To:WhatToGive <ben@whattogive.com>
Subject:WhatToGive Feedback
What a fantastice site!! I keep adding to my list and am trying to encourage all my friends and family to make up their own and keep on adding. Thank you so much! ArleneFrom:adrian
To:WhatToGive <ben@whattogive.com>
Subject:WhatToGive Feedback
Have been looking around for a gift list, (was about to write my own!) but yours looks good. There is one feature that would help us greatly though (Maybe you already have it!?): the ability for viewers of the list to log purchases of gifts not on the original list, so that these ‘surprise’ presents aren’t replicated by other members of the family. (Great minds think alike...) Either by being able to add bought items to the list or by expanding the private message board to support communication not viewable by the lists owner. Thanks...From:jgursu
To:WhatToGive <ben@whattogive.com>
Subject:WhatToGive Feedback
I’m going to ask my family members to sign up and create their own lists for the upcoming holidays. This is a great idea!!!From:jennifer
To:“WhatToGive.com support” <ben@whattogive.com>
Subject:Re: WhatToGive feedback
a friend passed the link to me - i’ve passed it to my husband, parents + sister already. you’ve done a wonderful service to those of us connected by the internet. thank YOU!!! jenniferFrom:jennifer
To:Benjamin Jefferson <ben@whattogive.com>
Subject:WhatToGive Feedback
What an awesome idea - especially since my husband and I live in a different state than our families!From:Björn
To:“WhatToGive.com support” <ben@whattogive.com>
Subject:Re: Linking to your wish list
Brilliant! Thanks for your quick reply. I’m a web developer myself (mainly Java), so I appreciate the time you’ve put into your site. I hope your site becomes successful. Cheers BjornFrom:liz
To:WhatToGive <ben@whattogive.com>
Subject:WhatToGive Feedback
Absolutely fantastic! We are getting married next May and this will be perfect as we didn’t want to be restricted to a store wedding list. Please keep it going!From:pbiggin
To:Benjamin Jefferson <ben@whattogive.com>
Subject:RE: WhatToGive web site
Dear Ben Many thanks for your mail - your website is very good indeed and an excellent idea. Its very simple to use and cant fault it. Wish you every sucess with it Regards PhilFrom:jennie
Subject:What to Give - Kelly
Hi Ben Havn’t been in contact lately as so busy with wedding plans - hope you are well. Kelly’s list has proven to be very successful and people are saying what a good idea it is and quite unique. I notice a few changes with print lists have appeared at the top, ie print this list or print all lists. Me being me couldn’t see what the difference was between the two, but it is 4.30 am so perhaps brain hasn’t engaged yet. I have printed off the whole list however. May not have mentioned before but when you print off the list the actual value of the gift doesnt show, I had to go into the page set up and put the right margin on to .0 (which then automatically changed to .116 or somethiing) and then go into properties on the printer to set the paper to print the maximum area to get the £value to show. This is so helpful when I am trying to cross reference the entries from the bank statement. Unfortunately not all the entries shown on the bank statement show up with who they are from which is a bit of a bind. It has worked out better when they have sent me a cheque or paid online with a reference, but those who have paid into the bank just show up as deposit of £20 at such and such a bank on a certain date, so am having to be a bit of a detective as well. I am sure everyone who has promised will eventually pay, but as yet there is still a lot to come. Seem to have rattled on a bit, but hope you understand what I have said and continue to perfect a brillant idea. We havn’t many gifts left to be promised now. It has been quite exciting to see new promises showing in my in box. What will I do after the wedding!! 5 weeks to go now. Hope my comments are helpful to you, it really has made Kelly and Andrews gift list part of the wedding build up quite fun. Friends even look to see what else has been promised, even though they cant see who is promising what! Bye for now Jennie![]()
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