WhatToGive list for Ethan

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WhatToGive Hints

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ItemQuantity / CostPromisedActions
Something like this?
1 x £9.99
1   Already Promised
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Ethan list
Use ehostler@yahoo.com
1 x -
Teapot for tea leaves
Contains strainer. Small individual sized
1 x -
1   Already Promised
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Holister jacket
Black plaid size nedium
NB sign up to the club, for free! and its half price. ** essential or Ethan will be v unhappy!!
1 x -
1   Already Promised
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cancel promise
Travel mug
Any type really, dark colours,
1 x -
1   Already Promised
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No lynx
1 x -
T shirt
Size small, white
1 x -
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