WhatToGive list for BOYS!
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WhatToGive Hints

Help make christmas and Birthdays easier for friends and family - tell them what you want! WhatToGive is completely free to use so why not start your own list.

ItemQuantity / CostPromisedActions
for christmas!
10packs size
4-7 A
7-10 J / E
1 x -
1   Already Promised
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jelly bean tin
to share
1 x £10.00
smellies gift sets eg ethan lynx or nivea can inc deo now :(
1 x £5.00
1   Already Promised
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cancel promise
green and blacks velvet editions
eg this mixed box or bars of
1 x -
dark chocolate coins
available at oxfam, made by 'divine'. dairy and soya free!
1 x -
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