Promise to give item

N.B. Your promise will not be confirmed until you press the "confirm promise" button below.

giftsandgraphics has indicated that they wouldn't mind recieving more than one of these so don't be surprised if this item remains on their list even after you have promised to get it.

Christmas 2023
Title:  HINT Water Gift Card (or ANY Gift Card)
Details:    (Any $ Amount)
Link to suppliers web site
How many:  As many as possible         Cost:  $50

You can leave a message for giftsandgraphics if you want to (but you don't have to)
Message: (Optional)
If you want giftsandgraphics to know who has promised to get this item then enter your name here
Your name: (Optional)
If you provide your email address we will send you an email containing details of your promise and a link to allow you to cancel this promise if you have problems fulfilling it.
Your email: (Optional)
     hide my email address from giftsandgraphics?
If you change your mind or you have a problem getting the item then you can cancel your promise. To make sure that only you can cancel it we need you to choose a question and provide the answer. We will ask this question if you return later to cancel this promise.
Question: Answer:

  • giftsandgraphics has asked not to receive notification by email when this item is promised.
  • You can still leave a message which giftsandgraphics will be able to see at a later date.

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